2015       Tell-Tale-Heart” (Illustrator and Author) 

2015       Chef Character and Background designed for "Night Before Christmas in  NM" Animation for KOB4 TV  
broadcast Morning sho


2016       Golden award for "Monsterama" poster, AAF (American Advertising Federation, New Mexico)  

2016       Peer's chose Award for "Monsterama", AAF (American Advertising Federation, New Mexico) 

2015       Best College & High School Photographer


Publication & Award

Hamed Emami
1982 born in Tehran,IRAN
Live, study and work in Tehran,Iran,Albuqureque,New Mexico, Katy, Texas.

2015     Painting Exhibit”, Flying Star, ABQ, NM 

2014      "Hell Mouth show", Southwest University of Visual Arts, ABQ, NM 

2014     "Humanity Exhibition", Southwest University of Visual Arts, ABQ, NM 

2014     “Monster Show”, the Old School Gallery, ABQ, NM 

2014    “My World, (personal drawing gallery) Ventral Library of Isfahan City Hall       Gallery, Isfahan, IRAN 

Hello, I am Hamed Emami, an Illustrator and Fine Artist.

About me
